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Room Amenities

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    3 people
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    1 double & 1 single bed
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    18 m2
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    Free Wifi
  • Bathroom
  • Shower or bath
  • Hairdryer
  • Soundproofing and double glazing
  • Air conditioning
  • Telephone
  • LCD flat screen television
  • Canal +, French and international channels
  • Radio stations
  • Bureau
  • Welcome tray - Tea / Coffee
  • Personal safe (Free)
  • Iron and ironing board (Free - on request)
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Baby Cot (for children 0-2 years inclusive) (free - on request)
Hotel Albert 1er Paris - Triple Room
Hotel Albert 1er Paris - Triple Room

Photo gallery

Hotel Albert 1er Paris - Triple Room
Hotel Albert 1er Paris - Triple Room
Hotel Albert 1er Paris - Triple Room

About this room

The Hotel Albert 1er Paris has the distinction of offering very comfortable triple rooms, equipped with three actual beds, that are perfectly suited to family holidays. With a spacious area of 18m², these beautiful rooms are generously bathed in daylight and offer their occupants, whether large and small, all they need to relax, have fun or get plenty of sleep after a busy day.